The Riviera Private Investigation (RPI) firm offers a wide range of services to legal professionals to assist them in their investigations, disputes and legal proceedings. Here are some examples of services offered to lawyers, justice commissioners and other legal professionals:
People search : We may be engaged to locate witnesses, stakeholders or missing persons in civil or criminal cases.
Background check : We can conduct extensive background checks on parties involved in a case, including witnesses, adversaries, experts, etc.
Civil Case Investigations : We may collect evidence and information in civil cases such as contract disputes, tort disputes, divorce cases, etc.
Monitoring : We can carry out discreet surveillance operations to collect evidence in cases of fraud, divorce, unfair competition, or other disputes.
Family rights investigations : In child custody, alimony and other family rights matters, we can help gather relevant information.
Fraud Investigations : We are often called upon to investigate fraud cases, including insurance fraud, tax fraud, commercial fraud, etc.
Intellectual property investigations : We can help investigate violations of intellectual property rights, including infringement of patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
Asset Search : We may be engaged to locate hidden or concealed assets in connection with litigation, debt collection or other financial matters.
Labor law investigations : We can help investigate employment law matters, such as benefits fraud, employer-employee disputes, etc.
Pre-criminal investigation and criminal counter-investigation : we offer our services in particular in the context of requests for trial reviews.