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Riviera Private Investigation, cabinet de détectives privés, Nice


Our prices are adapted to your needs, and proportional to the number of hours of investigation (except in the context of specific administrative research, sold as a package).


Please note first of all that you will be able to request reimbursement of all or part of your investigation costs on the basis of articles 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 375 and 475-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, or L761 -1 of the Code of Administrative Justice (irrecoverable costs & costs payable by the losing party in the trial), in the event of an investigation carried out within the framework of a trial. The amount reimbursed will be set by the judge.


The basic hourly rate (during the day and week) for a field survey is €80 excluding tax for individuals and €100 excluding tax/hour for professionals and communities, to which are added mileage costs (€0.80). excluding tax / km) and application fees (which include the drafting of a report admissible in court) of €250 excluding tax. Some evidence only requires a few hours of investigation, others several days. In all cases, we only bill “actual”, that is to say the hours actually worked. Each situation is specific and is therefore the subject of a precise analysis to establish an investigation strategy and propose an appropriate rate. In all cases, we have our clients sign a fee agreement, and are transparent in our quotes and invoices. Finally, we remind you that private detectives are subject to an obligation of means.

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