The regulation of the profession of private detective, or private law investigator, or even private research agent, is governed by Book VI of the Internal Security Code. The Riviera Private Investigation (RPI) firm naturally meets all the legal obligations necessary for the exercise of this regulated activity.
Article L621-1 of the Internal Security Code states that: “The liberal profession which consists, for a person, of collecting, even without stating their capacity or revealing the purpose of their work, is subject to the provisions of this title. mission, information or intelligence intended for third parties, with a view to defending their interests. »
The profession of private detective is therefore a regulated liberal profession whose aim is to collect evidence and information with a view to the interests of a third party and their defense.
Private Detectives are regulated by law 83-629 of July 12, 1983 amended by law 2003-239 of March 18, 2003 as well as by the texts included in Title II of Chapter VI of the Internal Security Code (CSI), created by the order of March 12, 2012, which entered into force on May 1, 2012.
IIt is important to note that hiring a private investigator must be done in accordance with the law and it is crucial to work with a licensed professional to ensure that investigations are conducted in a legal and professional manner, and respecting the right to privacy of individuals.
The RPI firm has all the state approvals (via the CNAPS) essential to carrying out this activity in France, and its founder and director, Eric AXELSON, was trained by the first French “school of detectives”. , ESARP (École Supérieure des Agents de Recherches Privées, based in Paris), from which he is a graduate and exam major. Eric AXELSON also perfected his skills in Civil Law at the prestigious University of Paris-II Panthéon Assas, and holds a certificate in digital security from ANSSI (National Agency for Information Systems Security).
In accordance with the legislation, Riviera Private Investigation (RPI) is approved by the National Council of Activities Private Security Services (CNAPS), Public Administrative Establishment (EPA) under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior.
The Riviera Private Investigation (RPI) firm received administrative authorization no. AUT-006-2121-05-11-20220823744.
Its founder and director, Mr. Eric AXELSON, is authorized to manage a private investigation company and all RPI firm employees meet regulatory requirements.
Professional secret
Private detectives are subject to respect for professional secrecy as indicated in article R631-9 of its code of ethics, which guarantees total confidentiality of the information transmitted to a private detective by his client, as well as that which he discovers at during his investigations.
Furthermore, on the basis of article 226-13 of the penal code, case law has confirmed that a private detective is bound by professional secrecy (Paris Court of Appeal, July 9, 1980 and June 30, 1982).
Any indiscretion constitutes an offense punishable by criminal sanctions (T.G.I. Paris, 17th ch. May 2, 1978).
Code of ethics
The code of ethics to which Private Detectives (also called Private Research Agents) are subject is enshrined in the Law, and more precisely in the Internal Security Code (CSI), regulatory part, book VI, articles R631-1 to R631 -32: “code of ethics for natural or legal persons carrying out private security activities”.
Examples of important articles:
Article R631-4 | Compliance with laws
As part of their functions, private security actors strictly respect the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the Constitution and constitutional principles, all laws and regulations in force, in particular the highway code. and the professional and social legislation applicable to them.
Article R631-9 | Confidentiality
Subject to cases provided for or authorized by law, private security actors respect strict confidentiality of information, technical procedures and uses of which they become aware in the context of their activity.
They are prohibited from making any use of documents or information of an internal nature of which they became aware, in the exercise of their functions, with a former employer or internship supervisor, without the express prior agreement of the latter.
Article R631-11 | Armament
With the exception of those for whom the law provides that they can be armed, private security actors cannot acquire, hold, transport or carry a weapon in the exercise of their mission and are prohibited, in their communication with -to any potential client, to suggest that they would be equipped with weapons, whatever category they may be, during the performance of the services.
Article R631-12 | Prohibition to avail oneself of public authority
Private security actors must avoid, through their behavior and their mode of communication, any confusion with a public service, in particular a police service.
The use of logos or signs containing characteristics and colors comparable to those identifying documents issued by public administrations as well as any element which may give rise to or maintain any confusion with a service holding public authority is prohibited.
Private security actors cannot, in their communication with the public, claim a past or present link with a service holding public authority. With regard to third parties, they cannot report missions or delegations from public administrations which have not been entrusted to them by them.
They prohibit any equipment, in particular vehicle sound and light warning devices, likely to create such confusion.
Article R631-20 | Obligation to advise.
Companies and their managers undertake to inform and advise the potential client or principal seriously and faithfully. They refrain from offering him a service offer that is disproportionate to his needs.
They provide him with the explanationsions necessary for understanding and appreciating the services planned or being performed.