Home >Personal Services > Alimony / Compensatory benefit
Are you in the middle of a divorce and you need evidence to support your request for alimony or compensatory benefits (or its review)?
The private detectives of Riviera Private Investigation (RPI) are there to help you obtain the necessary elements to defend your interests.
Alimony may be revised in the event of changes in your resources – or those of your ex-spouse (decrease or reduction) and the needs of your child (higher education, etc.).
It can be fixed by an amicable agreement. Our report can help you obtain an amicable agreement, with supporting evidence.
In the event of disagreement, you can refer the matter to the Family Affairs Judge, who will rule on your request: our report can also be used to support your request by providing evidence on the evolution of your former partner's resources.
A lawyer is not required to make the request to the JAF.
You have the choice of submitting your request for review of alimony alone or through a lawyer.
Compensatory allowance
In the event of a significant change in the resources or needs of either ex-spouse, the compensatory benefit may also be revised.
If the ex-spouses agree, the modification can be made by an agreement (written agreement which legally commits the people who sign it to respect an obligation) which must be approved by the Family Affairs Judge. Our report can help you obtain this agreement, without having to call on a lawyer for a summons (obligatory in the event of disagreement).
In the absence of an agreement between the ex-spouses, the JAF can be seized by summons.
These procedures require the ex-spouses to each have a lawyer.
We are at your disposal to conduct a thorough and discreet investigation, in compliance with the laws and ethical rules.Contact us now to find out more.